Legal information concerning the contents

From World Food Safety Almanac
Revision as of 11:06, 21 December 2021 by Udagawa (talk | contribs)
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The operator of the World Food Safetly Almanac is the Germany Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR). We are responsible for the structure of the site, its functionality and, as administrator, for assigning rights.

The country profile pages are based exclusively on information provided by the individual countries/institutions. Selected institutions receive access data and are solely responsible for the content of the respective country profile as well as its changes, updates and translations.

BfR has checked the listed contents with great care within the scope of its possibilities. However, we do not assume any liability for the correctness, completeness or topicality. We are not responsible for external content to which reference is made.

All copyrights are reserved. Graphics, images, sound, video and animation files on all sub-pages of the World Food Safety Almanac are protected by copyright.