Germany (Test)/15/en
The remit of the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) encompasses scientifically based risk assessments as part of administrative procedures (for instance, marketing authorisations for plant protection products), the compilation of expert reports on issues of food safety and consumer protection based on internationally recognised scientific assessment criteria, and policy advice. In its capacity as a scientific body, the BfR prepares expert reports on risk assessment. The BfR collaborates at the national and international level with other scientific organisations which are active in consumer health protection and food safety. Furthermore, the BfR is tasked with identifying new health risks and drawing up risk minimisation recommendations. It has a legal mandate to conduct research in fields regarding its work on consumer health protection and food and feed safety as well. The BfR is independent regarding its scientific assessment, research and communication. Research findings are used to provide information and scientific advice to the BMEL and other ministries as well as to regional and local public authorities.