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|style="text-align:center;" |[[File:AnimalFeed.png|Animal feed|link=Animal feed|25px]]
|Animal feed
|Any substance or product, including additives, whether processed, partially processed or unprocessed, intended to be used for oral feeding to animals.
|style="text-align:center;" |[[File:AnimalHealth.png|Animal health and welfare|link=Animal health and welfare|25px]]
|Animal health and welfare
|All aspects of animal diseases and well-being of food-producing animals during breeding, rearing, transportation and slaughter (integral part of the EU’s Farm to Fork strategy). Analysis of the impact that the conditions and treatment of animals can have on both animal and human health.
|style="text-align:center;" |[[File:BiologicalHazards.png|Biological hazards and zoonoses|link=Biological hazards and zoonoses|25px]]
|Biological hazards and zoonoses
|<u>Biological hazards:</u> also known as biohazards, refer to biological substances that pose a threat to the health of living organisms, primarily that of humans. This can include medical waste or samples of a microorganism, viruses, or toxins (from a biological source) that can affect human health.

<u>Zoonoses:</u> any disease and/or infection which is naturally transmissible directly or indirectly between animals and humans.
|style="text-align:center;" |[[File:Biotechnology.png|Biotechnology and genetic engineering|link=Biotechnology and genetic engineering|25px]]
|Biotechnology and genetic engineering
|<u>Biotechnology: </u> the use of biology to solve problems and make useful products. The most prominent area of biotechnology is the production of therapeutic proteins and other drugs through genetic engineering. 
<u>Genetic engineering: </u> all modern molecular biology techniques used to isolate, manipulate and transfer genes from one organism to another in order to create novel traits in plants, animals, bacteria and fungi.
|style="text-align:center;" |[[File:Contaminants.png|Contaminants|link=Contaminants|25px]]
|Any substance not intentionally added to food which is present in such food as a result of the production (including operations carried out in crop husbandry, animal husbandry and veterinary medicine), manufacture, processing, preparation, treatment, packing, packaging, transport or holding of such food, or as a result of environmental contamination.
Extraneous matter, such as, for example, insect fragments, animal hair, etc., is not covered by this definition.
|style="text-align:center;" |[[File:DrinkingWater.png|Drinking water|link=Drinking water|25px]]
|Drinking water
|All water, either in its original state or after treatment, intended for drinking, cooking, food preparation or other domestic purposes, regardless of  its origin and whether it is supplied from a distribution network, from a tanker, or in bottles or containers. Drinking water includes also all water used in any food-production undertaking for the manufacture, processing, preservation or marketing of products or substances intended for human consumption, unless the competent national authorities are satisfied that the quality of the water  cannot affect the wholesomeness of the foodstuff in its finished form.
|style="text-align:center;" |[[File:EmergingRisk.png|Emerging risk|link=Emerging risk|25px]]
|Emerging risk
|A risk resulting from a newly identified hazard to which a significant exposure may occur, or from an unexpected new or increased significant exposure and/or susceptibility to a known hazard.
|style="text-align:center;" |[[File:Environment.png|Environmental Risk Assessment|link=Environmental Risk Assessment|25px]]
|Environmental risk assessment (ERA)
|A scientific process that identifies and evaluates stress to the environment in particular, to living microorganisms, habitats and ecosystems. ERA considers the impact on the environment caused by, for example, the introduction of GM plants, the use of certain substances in food, feed and plant protection products, or the introduction and spread of plant pests. ERA helps policy makers and regulators take sound decisions that protect the environment.
|style="text-align:center;" |[[File:FoodContactMaterials.png|Food contact materials and packaging|link=Food contact materials and packaging|25px]]
|Food contact materials and packaging
|All materials and articles intended to come into contact with food, such as packaging and containers, kitchen equipment, cutlery and dishes. These can be made from a variety of materials including plastics, rubber, paper and metal. They also include materials used in processing equipment, such as coffee makers or production machinery, as well as containers used for transport.
|style="text-align:center;" |[[File:FoodIngredients.png|Food ingredients|link=Food ingredients|25px]]
|Food ingredients
|Chemical substances which are used as food additives, enzymes, flavourings, processing aids and other substances intentionally added to food (commonly called ‘nutrient sources’).
|style="text-align:center;" |[[File:FoodSupplements.png|Food supplements|link=Food supplements|25px]]
|Food supplements
|Nutrients or other substances with a nutritional or physiological effect aimed to supplement the regular diet. Food supplements are usually on the market as capsules, pastilles, tablets, pills, sachets of powder, ampoules of liquids, drop dispensing bottles, and other similar forms of liquids and powders designed to be taken in measured small unit quantities.
|style="text-align:center;" |[[File:MineralWater.png|Mineral water|link=Mineral water|25px]]
|Mineral water
|Natural mineral water is groundwater that has emerged from the ground and contains...
<ol style="list-style-type:lower-alpha">
  <li>natural mineral water,</li>
  <li>natural spring water or</li>
  <li>processed tap water.</li>
Spring water is also groundwater that has emerged from the ground but contains a lower amount of minerals. The icon does not refer to bottled water that is intended for medicinal purposes.
|style="text-align:center;" |[[File:Nanotechnology.png|Nanotechnology|link=Nanotechnology|25px]]
|Field of applied sciences and technologies involving the control of matter on the atomic and molecular scale (normally below 100 nanometres). Nanotechnology products could have a substantial impact on the food and feed sector in the future. It may also be used in food packaging.
|style="text-align:center;" |[[File:NovelFood.png|Novel foods|link=Novel foods|25px]]
|Novel foods
|Foods and food ingredients that have not been used for human consumption to a significant degree within the EU before 15 May 1997. In order to ensure the highest level of protection of human health, novel foods must undergo a safety assessment before being placed on the EU market. Only those products considered to be safe for human consumption are authorised for marketing.
|style="text-align:center;" |[[File:Nutrition.png|Nutrition|link=Nutrition|25px]]
|Nutrition is the study of nutrients in food and how the body uses them. Nutrition also focuses on how people can use dietary choices to reduce the risk of disease associated with poor nutrition, such as chronic metabolic diseases.
|style="text-align:center;" |[[File:PlantHealth.png|Plant health|link=Plant health|25px]]
|Plant health
|Plant health is concerned with ecosystem health, with a special focus on plant pests (such as fungi, bacteria, viruses and insects) among food crops, natural vegetation and landscape plants, which are often introduced to areas previously unaffected through plant imports and can have far-reaching economic, social and environmental consequences.
|style="text-align:center;" |[[File:PlantProtection.png|Plant protection products or pesticides|link=Plant protection products or pesticides|25px]]
|Plant protection products or pesticides
|Active substances and preparations containing one or more active substances intended to protect plants (or plant products) against harmful organisms. The term ‘plant protection product’ (or pesticide) implies that the active substances are present in a form or product which can be supplied to the user. Active substances in plant protection products may also destroy undesired plants or influence life processes of plants in a way other than as a nutrient (for example as growth regulators).
|style="text-align:center;" |[[File:ResiduesVeterinary.png|Residues of veterinary medicinal products|link=Residues of veterinary medicinal products|25px]]
|Residues of veterinary medicinal products
|Substances contained in plants, plant products, edible animal products or drinking water which originate from the use of veterinary medicines, including metabolites, decomposition and reaction products.

Revision as of 08:30, 15 July 2021

Pictogram Responsibility Description
Animal feed Animal feed Any substance or product, including additives, whether processed, partially processed or unprocessed, intended to be used for oral feeding to animals.
Animal health and welfare Animal health and welfare All aspects of animal diseases and well-being of food-producing animals during breeding, rearing, transportation and slaughter (integral part of the EU’s Farm to Fork strategy). Analysis of the impact that the conditions and treatment of animals can have on both animal and human health.
Biological hazards and zoonoses Biological hazards and zoonoses Biological hazards: also known as biohazards, refer to biological substances that pose a threat to the health of living organisms, primarily that of humans. This can include medical waste or samples of a microorganism, viruses, or toxins (from a biological source) that can affect human health.

Zoonoses: any disease and/or infection which is naturally transmissible directly or indirectly between animals and humans.

Biotechnology and genetic engineering Biotechnology and genetic engineering Biotechnology: the use of biology to solve problems and make useful products. The most prominent area of biotechnology is the production of therapeutic proteins and other drugs through genetic engineering.

Genetic engineering: all modern molecular biology techniques used to isolate, manipulate and transfer genes from one organism to another in order to create novel traits in plants, animals, bacteria and fungi.

Contaminants Contaminants Any substance not intentionally added to food which is present in such food as a result of the production (including operations carried out in crop husbandry, animal husbandry and veterinary medicine), manufacture, processing, preparation, treatment, packing, packaging, transport or holding of such food, or as a result of environmental contamination.

Extraneous matter, such as, for example, insect fragments, animal hair, etc., is not covered by this definition.

Drinking water Drinking water All water, either in its original state or after treatment, intended for drinking, cooking, food preparation or other domestic purposes, regardless of its origin and whether it is supplied from a distribution network, from a tanker, or in bottles or containers. Drinking water includes also all water used in any food-production undertaking for the manufacture, processing, preservation or marketing of products or substances intended for human consumption, unless the competent national authorities are satisfied that the quality of the water cannot affect the wholesomeness of the foodstuff in its finished form.
Emerging risk Emerging risk A risk resulting from a newly identified hazard to which a significant exposure may occur, or from an unexpected new or increased significant exposure and/or susceptibility to a known hazard.
Environmental Risk Assessment Environmental risk assessment (ERA) A scientific process that identifies and evaluates stress to the environment in particular, to living microorganisms, habitats and ecosystems. ERA considers the impact on the environment caused by, for example, the introduction of GM plants, the use of certain substances in food, feed and plant protection products, or the introduction and spread of plant pests. ERA helps policy makers and regulators take sound decisions that protect the environment.
Food contact materials and packaging Food contact materials and packaging All materials and articles intended to come into contact with food, such as packaging and containers, kitchen equipment, cutlery and dishes. These can be made from a variety of materials including plastics, rubber, paper and metal. They also include materials used in processing equipment, such as coffee makers or production machinery, as well as containers used for transport.
Food ingredients Food ingredients Chemical substances which are used as food additives, enzymes, flavourings, processing aids and other substances intentionally added to food (commonly called ‘nutrient sources’).
Food supplements Food supplements Nutrients or other substances with a nutritional or physiological effect aimed to supplement the regular diet. Food supplements are usually on the market as capsules, pastilles, tablets, pills, sachets of powder, ampoules of liquids, drop dispensing bottles, and other similar forms of liquids and powders designed to be taken in measured small unit quantities.
Mineral water Mineral water Natural mineral water is groundwater that has emerged from the ground and contains...
  1. natural mineral water,
  2. natural spring water or
  3. processed tap water.

Spring water is also groundwater that has emerged from the ground but contains a lower amount of minerals. The icon does not refer to bottled water that is intended for medicinal purposes.

Nanotechnology Nanotechnology Field of applied sciences and technologies involving the control of matter on the atomic and molecular scale (normally below 100 nanometres). Nanotechnology products could have a substantial impact on the food and feed sector in the future. It may also be used in food packaging.
Novel foods Novel foods Foods and food ingredients that have not been used for human consumption to a significant degree within the EU before 15 May 1997. In order to ensure the highest level of protection of human health, novel foods must undergo a safety assessment before being placed on the EU market. Only those products considered to be safe for human consumption are authorised for marketing.
Nutrition Nutrition Nutrition is the study of nutrients in food and how the body uses them. Nutrition also focuses on how people can use dietary choices to reduce the risk of disease associated with poor nutrition, such as chronic metabolic diseases.
Plant health Plant health Plant health is concerned with ecosystem health, with a special focus on plant pests (such as fungi, bacteria, viruses and insects) among food crops, natural vegetation and landscape plants, which are often introduced to areas previously unaffected through plant imports and can have far-reaching economic, social and environmental consequences.
Plant protection products or pesticides Plant protection products or pesticides Active substances and preparations containing one or more active substances intended to protect plants (or plant products) against harmful organisms. The term ‘plant protection product’ (or pesticide) implies that the active substances are present in a form or product which can be supplied to the user. Active substances in plant protection products may also destroy undesired plants or influence life processes of plants in a way other than as a nutrient (for example as growth regulators).
Residues of veterinary medicinal products Residues of veterinary medicinal products Substances contained in plants, plant products, edible animal products or drinking water which originate from the use of veterinary medicines, including metabolites, decomposition and reaction products.